A few Words
Paramana is a place for parents to meet and search for our children’s best care. Here we can find the ideal caregiver for our family. The one that has a loving personality, education that meets our children’ needs, working experience and, most of all, someone who is a trustworthy person.
At Paramana you can find thousands of professional babysitters’ and tutors’ profiles that work in or outside Greece. You can communicate with them safely through the unique messaging service the platform provides, you can access the evaluation and reviews submitted by other parents and of course evaluate the caregivers yourself.
Andreas and Natasa are the ones who came up with the idea to implement this communication platform that all parents (or at least most of them, lucky ones have valuable grandparents to help) needed… We are also proud parents of seven adorable children!
Paramana came up as an idea from our need to find the person we were looking for to help us with our children. It helped us and it keeps being the number one choice for thousands of families that search for babysitters and tutors since 2014.
Our goal is to continue to offer quality services that will meet the needs of every family, for childcare services in and out of the house (aka hotelbabysitting services). Our team is by your side every day for any questions or concerns you might have and we would love to hear your suggestions and comments, so that our community is constantly improving.